What is the refund policy?

We have a 100% Money-Back Guarantee policy which means if the SIM is not working how it is meant to, we will refund you your money back. 

You must download our SIMs guide for the SIM you have and contact us via our Live Chat, Facebook or email us at hello@simsdirect.com.au to ask for help if you're still having issues.

What cases don't apply in our Money Back Guarantee?

If there's an issue with our product, we're more than happy to give you a refund but you must reach out to us to go through the refund steps.  

Click here to see where we can't promise a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

What if my trip gets cancelled?

We understand that the current global travel situation is always changing. If your trip gets cancelled, we’re happy to offer you store credit so you can purchase a SIM for your next trip or you can get a refund as part of our money-back guarantee.

If your trip gets cancelled, reach out to us on Live Chat, Facebook or email us at hello@simsdirect.com.au and we’ll guide you through the process of getting your store credit or refund.

Effective on orders from 02/02/2022.

How soon will I get my refund?

After you have reached out to us and the refund has been confirmed and processed via refunds@simsdirect.com.au, please allow 3-5 business days for your refund to show up in your payment account.

What do you promise?

We try to put our customers first in everything we do. We will always be there for you and listen to your feedback.

We promise:

To honour our money back guarantee as long as you have cooperated with us. We just want to know what happened to better our services for the future.

To always try and make it right with you. We value good customer experience and we promise to try our hardest in providing that to you. 

Why do you offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee?

There is always the possibility of manufacturing issues and network problems that can’t be resolved. Therefore, we have a money-back guarantee for all our customers to protect against faulty SIMs.

It is extremely important to us as a business that our customers aren't left empty-handed.

However, we need you to work with us to claim your money-back guarantee. That means contacting us when you're overseas (via WiFi if your SIM won't connect).

If you can't contact us whilst overseas, just remember to take screenshots of the error and your APN settings so that we can help you out after you return!


You can read more about our other policies below
